In the Belly of a Whale

My Journey through His Addiction


The resources I list here are ones I have either used or know others who have found support through them.

Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PALs) is just as its titled.  PAL groups are faith-based and the facilitators are all volunteers.  They are not professionals but rather parents wanting to support through their own experiences and also find support through the experiences of others.  The focus of PAL is to help YOU get educated on the disease of addiction and to get you to a place where you can find joy in no matter the decisions of your loved one.  PAL is not a 12-step program.


Al-Anon and Nar-Anon are both groups for family members of someone that has a substance abuse problem.  These groups following a similar platform as AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) or NA (Narcotics Anonymous) which is a 12-step recovery program.  These groups focus on YOU and what you can do to manage your own life in spite of the alcohol or drug abuse of your loved one.


Celebrate Recovery is the church and worship version of AA/NA.  It follows a 12-step program and incorporates bible basics and how to incorporate the Bible into your recovery.  Although it seems more geared toward the person struggling with addiction, it is a very supportive environment for the family and loved ones as well.

More detailed information on all of these groups and meeting locations can be found at the links above.

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